1) What is kapilnaik.com?

Kapilnaik.com is a place where you find articles on Socio-Political issues. With this web site we intend to offer the reader unbiased views on national and international matters. Kapilnaik.com is not just another blog with page 3 content or sensational breaking news every day (we are the first one to report type). We do not believe in adopting market driven populist writing strategy. kapilnaik.com is interested in harvesting long term relationships with intellectuals of this country and from outside, rather than providing sensational journalism without any substance. We would like to be regarded by our readers as young political writers of modern India and not as entertainers.

2) Why should I subscribe to kapilnaik.com?

Kapilnaik.com is growing with every day since its foundation in the early part of 2010. As on first of Dec 2010 it has more than 350 absolute unique visitors from 61 cities across the globe. Nearly 75 % of those cities are based outside India. Kapilnaik.com would love to understand our visitors better and bring periodicity in their visits – consistent visits by the readers in future, every time there is any development on the web site.

3) Is the information provided for subscription kept secured?

Absolutely. We vouch to keep all the details given in getting a subscription completely secured with us. These details will never ever be shared with any service providers like credit card providers.

 4) What type of information is required to be furnished?

This is very generic information. No financial or sensitive details are required to be furnished.

5) How much time it takes to fill the information up?

Ideally not more than 2 minutes – precisely 120 seconds.

6) What is subscription price?

 It is absolutely free. No credit card payments. No hidden agenda or charges.

7) What is period of subscription?

 It is an annual subscription intended for calendar year 2011.

One Response to FAQ

  1. Anand Nene says:

    Why do you require subscriber’s details ?

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